- Diagnostic & Treatment Centers
- Hospitals
- Long Term Care
- Research & Laboratories
- GPOs
- Healthcare Waste Solutions
- Waste Optimization
- Education
- Compliance
- Formulary Analysis
- Products
- COVID-19 Waste Disposal
- Controlled Substances
- Hand Sanitizer Disposal
- Laboratory Waste
- Med Spas
- Secure Document Destruction
- Sharps Containers
- 4 Operating Instructions for Sharpsmart Containers
- 4 Operating Instructions for Sharpsmart Containers | Spanish
- 64 Dynamic Footpedal Kit
- 64 Internal Cart Adapter
- 64 Large Internal Delivery Cart
- 64 Series Accessmart
- 64 Small Internal Delivery Cart
- 64 Transporter Lite
- Accessmart Side Bracket
Accessplus Wall Bracket
(S-series) - Bag Grabber
- Battery Disposal Poster
- Bench and Trolley Mounting Solutions Brochure
- Bench Bracket – S14
- Bench Bracket – S22
- Bladesafe Multi-Function Sharps Handling Tray
- Bladesafe Sharps Passing Tray
- Bladesafe Sharps Passing Tray Brochure
- Bulk Movement Accessories Brochure
- Cartsmart 1
- Cartsmart 2 Trolley
- Chemosmart Brochure
- Chemotherapy Product Range Flyer
- Chemotherapy Waste Disposal
- Chemotherapy Waste Disposal | Spanish
- Color Coding Medical Waste Containers Poster
- Correct Assembly and Packaging of RMW Waste Boxes
- Correct Medical Waste Disposal Poster | SPANISH
- COVID-19 Correct Waste Segregation Poster
- COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Disposal Guidelines Poster
- COVID-19 Waste Handling for Daniels Customers Poster
- COVID-19 Waste Handling Processes Poster
- COVID-19 Waste Segregation for Skilled Nursing Poster
- CT22 | Chemosmart Reusable Chemotherapy Waste Container
- CT64 | Chemosmart Reusable Chemotherapy Waste Container
- CT64 Chemosmart Operating Instructions
- CT64 Chemosmart Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Daniels Accessories Brochure
- Daniels Brand Book
- Daniels Compliance Brochure
- Daniels Dental Brochure
- Daniels Difference Brochure
- Daniels Waste Processing Services Brochure
- Dialysis Efficient Disposal Poster
- Disposing of Heavy Metals in Hospitals
- Dry Ice Disposal Guidelines
- Dynamic Floorstand – 64 series
- Filehold Manifest Instructions
- Full Product Range
- Glove Box Holder – Large
- Glove Box Holder – Small
- Hand Sanitizer Ring
- Handling RMW Tubs Poster
- Handwashing Poster
- Hazardous Identification Symbols Poster
- Hazardous Waste Container | 12 Gallon
- Hazardous Waste Container | 3 Gallon
- Hazardous Waste Container | 8 Gallon
- Hazardous Waste Container 18 Gallon
- Hazardous Waste Product Range
- How to Prevent Sharps Injuries Poster
- How to Properly Close a Secure a Drug Lid
- How to Properly Close a Secure a Sharp Container
- How to Use Rx Destroyer
- How to Use Secure a Drug Poster
- How to Use Secure a Sharp Containers
- How to Use your Secure a Drug Container
- Large Delivery Cart
- Large Transporter Lite
- Loading Configurations for Large Transporters
- Loading Configurations For Medium Transporters
- Locking Mountsmart
- Locking Wall Bracket – Left Side Lock
- Locking Wall Bracket – Right Side Lock
- M64 | Medismart Biohazardous Waste Container
- M64 Medismart Operating Instructions
- M64 Medismart Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Medical Waste Bin | 96 Gallon
- Medical Waste Flyer
- Medical Waste Management
- Medical Waste Product Range
- Medismart Brochure
- Medium Transporter Lite
- Meet Secure a Sharp
- Midtown Surgery Center & Daniels Health Partnership: A Case Study
- Mobile Carts and Floorstands Brochure
- Mounted Cradle
- MRI Cartsmart
- MRI Cartsmart Flyer
- NIOSH Hazardous Drug List
- Non-Haz Pharmaceutical Waste Segregation Poster
- Non-Sharp Metal Items Disposal
- Non-Sharp Metal Items in RMW Containers
- OSHA Guidelines
- Our Journey to Net Zero: Establishing Benchmarks in GHG Emissions
- P-Listed Waste Segregation Poster
- P14 | Pharmasmart Reusable Pharmaceutical Waste Container
- P22 | Pharmasmart Reusable Pharmaceutical Waste Container
- P32 | Pharmasmart Reusable Pharmaceutical Waste Container
- P32A+ | Pharmasmart Access Plus Reusable Pharmaceutical Waste Container
- P64 | Pharmasmart Reusable Pharmaceutical Waste Container
- P64 Pharmasmart Operating Instructions
- P64 Pharmasmart Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Pathological vs RMW Waste Poster
- Pathological Waste Segregation Poster
- Personal Protective Equipment Poster
- Pharmaceutical and Sharps Disposal
- Pharmaceutical Characterization Brochure
- Pharmaceutical Product Range
- Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal
- Pharmaceutical Waste Management Poster
- Pharmaceutical Waste Solutions Brochure
- Placement of the Medismart
- PR Study: 28% Waste Reduction
- PR Study: Clostridium Difficile
- PR Study: Exposure Injury Reduction Strategies
- PR Study: Impact of Engineering on Sharps Injuries
- PR Study: Medismart impact on Costs
- PR Study: Reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- PR Study: Safety Engineered Device Usage and Activation in 6 Hospitals
- PR Study: Safety Engineered Devices (AUS)
- PR Study: Safety Engineered Devices (USA)
- PR Study: Sharps Injuries in USA Healthcare Facilities
- PR Study: Sharpsmart – Annual Plastic Reduction
- PR Study: Sharpsmart 84% GHG Emission Reduction
- PR Study: Sharpsmart Impact on Emissions & Injuries
- PR Study: Sharpsmart Impact on Sharps Injuries
- PR Study: Sharpsmart Size and Location Impact on Sharps Injuries
- PR Study: Using Reusable Containers for Hospital Waste
- Proper Handwashing
- Purchased Services Brochure
- R64 | Surgismart Container
- R64 Surgismart Operating Instructions
- RCRA Hazardous Waste Segregation Poster
- Red and Black Bag Waste
- Regulated Medical Waste Only
- Regulated Medical Waste Only | Spanish
- Regulated Medical Waste Segregation Poster
- Regulated Medical Waste Solutions Brochure
- Research Study: Sharpsmart – 86% Carbon Emissions Reduction
- Reusable vs Recycle
- RMW Dolly
- RMW Reusable Tub | 28 Gallon
- RMW Reusable Tub | 38 Gallon
- Rx Destroyer 1 Gallon Wall Mount
- Rx Destroyer All Purpose Formula, 1 Gallon Pro
- Rx Destroyer All Purpose Formula, 2.5 Gallon
- Rx Destroyer All Purpose Formula, 64 OZ
- S-Series Floorstand
- S14 | Sharpsmart Reusable Sharps Container
- S14A+ | Sharpsmart Access Plus Reusable Sharps Container
- S22 | Sharpsmart Reusable Sharps Container
- S22A+ | Sharpsmart Access Plus Reusable Sharps Container
- S32 | Sharpsmart Reusable Sharps Container
- S32A+ | Sharpsmart Access Plus Reusable Sharps Container
- S64 | Sharpsmart Reusable Sharps Container
- S64 Floorstand
- S64 Sharpsmart Operating Instructions
- S64 Sharpsmart Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Safe Disposal of Trace Hazardous Medication (CT22 & CT64)
- Safe Disposal of USP800 Trace Hazardous Medication
- Secure a Drug | 18L Container
- Secure a Drug | 2L Container
- Secure a Drug | 4L Container
- Secure a Drug | 9L Container
- Secure a Drug | Static Lock Bracket
- Secure a Drug | Static Lock Bracket Instructions
- Secure a Drug | Swing Lock Bracket Instructions
- Secure a Drug Compatibilities List
- Secure a Drug Product Selection Guide
- Secure a Sharp | 1 Gallon Container
- Secure a Sharp | 2 QT Container
- Secure a Sharp Container Use Instructions
- Segregate Medical Waste Correctly Poster
- Sharps and Infection Control in Long Term Care Poster
- Sharps Container Checklist
- Sharps Post-Injury Protocol
- Sharps Product Range
- Sharps Waste
- Sharps Waste Segregation Poster
- Sharpsmart – no disposal Poster
- Sharpsmart – Safe Sharps Disposal
- Sharpsmart Access Plus Operating Instructions
- Sharpsmart Access Plus Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Sharpsmart Brochure
- Sharpsmart Collectors are not Disposable
- Sharpsmart Collectors are not Disposable | Spanish
- Sharpsmart Regular Operating Instructions
- Sharpsmart Regular Operating Instructions | Spanish
- Sharpsmart Wall Mounting SOP
- Sharpsmarts’ Features and Benefits
- Side Tray Kit
- Skilled Nursing Waste Segregation Matrix
- Small Delivery Cart
- Soft Close 64 Series Accessmart
- Standard Cradle – 15mm Mount
- Standard Cradle – 25mm Mount
- Standard Wall Bracket
- Static Floorstand – 64 Series
- Surgery Center Waste Segregation Matrix
- Surgical Solutions Brochure
- Sustainable Solutions Brochure
- Top Tray Kit
- Trace Chemotherapy Waste Segregation Poster
- Understanding the USP800 Standard
- USP800 Personal Protective Equipment
- USP800 System 4 Easy Steps
- Utility Suite
- Wall Mounting Solutions Brochure
- Wallsmart – 44.1” Wide
- Wallsmart – 29.5” Wide
- Wallsmart Mini Panel
- Waste Segregation Guide for Blood Banks and Plasma Centers
- Waste Segregation Matrix
- Waste Segregation Matrix for Non-Acute Healthcare
- What can go into a Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Container?
- What can go into a Trace Chemotherapy Container?
- What Can you Dispose of in a Secure a Drug Container?
- What Is Medical Waste? Poster
- What is Regulated Medical Waste Poster
- What is Sharps Waste Poster
- What items can go into a Sharps Container?
- What Items can go into an Access Plus Sharps Container
- What You Need to Know About the Monkeypox Virus
- Winning at Waste Segregation
- Your Coffee Isn’t RMW Poster
- Zombie Apocalypse Sharps Disposal Poster
Knowledge Center – Blog
- #NoStickNovember and Onward
- 10 Examples and Disposal Tips | Other Potentially Infectious Materials
- 10 Lessons and Tips from 2021 to Improve Medical Waste Management
- 10 Most Common Types of Infectious Waste
- 10 Things to Consider When Evaluating Your Medical Waste RFP
- 10 Things to Consider with Chemotherapy Waste Disposal
- 10 Things to Consider with Pathological Waste Disposal
- 10 Things to Consider with Pharmaceutical Disposal
- 10 Things to Consider with Sharps Disposal
- 5 Benefits of Proper Waste Disposal & Management
- 5 Common Mistakes People Make with Medical Waste
- 5 Essential New Year’s Resolutions to Adopt in 2024
- 5 Healthcare Waste Compliance Facts
- 5 Healthcare Waste Management Resolutions to Make in 2021
- 5 Naughty List Medical Waste Handling Habits
- 5 Ways to Improve Infection Control in Hospital
- 5 Ways to Reduce the Risk of a Sharps Injury
- 6 Top Tips for Improving Sustainability in Your Facility
- 7 Practical Solutions for Reducing Patient Interruptions
- 7 Steps Not to Skip When Setting Up a Compliant Medical Waste Program At Your Dental Facility
- 8 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Waste Management and Compliance
- A Day in the Life of a Needle
- A Guide to California Medical Waste Disposal Regulations
- A Guide to Mississippi Medical Waste Regulations
- A Guide to Wisconsin Medical Waste Regulations
- A message from our CEO
- A New Normal in Chemotherapy Waste Management
- A New Normal in Hands-Free RMW Disposal
- A New Normal in Healthcare Waste
- A New Normal in Hospital Waste Management
- A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Disposal
- A New Normal in Pharmaceutical Waste Management
- A New Normal in Safe Medical Waste Handling
- A New Normal in Safe Sharps Disposal
- Are Reusable Sharps Containers Clean?
- Back to Basics: Medical Waste Disposal Best Practices
- Before and After Sharpsmart: 28 Hospital Case Study
- Behind the Scenes of Our First-Ever Emissions Report
- Behind the Scenes: Daniels Non-Acute Team
- Behind the Wheel with Kevin Shaver: Delivering More Than Just Safety
- Best Practices For Dialysis Waste Disposal
- Best Practices To Promote Regulatory Compliance at Your Hospital
- Biohazardous Waste Management in Austin
- Biohazardous Waste Management in Houston
- Biomedical Waste Disposal in Los Angeles
- Biomedical Waste Segregation Guidelines
- Breaking Down Sharps Containers: What Is a Sharps Container?
- Case Study: 50 Tonnes of Plastic Reduced Annually with a Reusable Sharps Container
- Case Study: 84% Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction with Reusable Sharps Containers
- Case Study: Medical Waste Bin Cleanliness in a Pharmacy Clean Room
- Case Study: Reducing over 50 tons of sharps container waste
- Celebrating Customer Service Week
- Championing the Daniels Customer Experience
- Charlotte Healthcare Waste Management Tips
- Checklist for Hospital Waste Management
- Chemotherapy Waste Disposal Regulations
- Color Coding Requirements for Biomedical Waste
- Common Medical Waste Violations
- Common Mistakes When Disposing of Pharmaceutical Waste
- Compliant Medical Waste Guide: Veterinary Clinics
- Consequences of Improperly Disposed Pharmaceuticals
- Consequences of Poorly Managed RMW
- Container Transport Safety
- COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Disposal Guidelines
- COVID-19 Vaccine Waste Disposal Services. We're Ready.
- COVID-19: Trustworthy Facts and Waste Handling Guidelines
- Creating A New Normal in EVS Worker Safety
- Daniels Health to Sponsor AOHP EXPO-S.T.O.P.
- Daniels Leading-Edge Container Washing
- Day-To-Day Challenges Facing EVS Professionals in Acute Facilities
- Dental Amalgam Regulations
- Diseases Caused by Improper Healthcare Waste Disposal
- Document Shredding in the Healthcare Industry
- Does Your Sharps Container Pass the Candy Test?
- Don’t be basic – go reusable
- Driving customer value through field service
- Ebola Preparedness at Your Healthcare Facility
- Effects of Biomedical Waste on the Environment
- Employee Spotlight: Customer Service with Cara Tullio
- Everything You Need To Know About Hand Sanitizer Disposal
- Examples of Biohazardous Waste
- EXPO-S.T.O.P. Survey Reveals Sharps Injury Prevalence
- EXPO-STOP 2015 Survey of Sharps Exposure
- Fresenius Medical Care & Daniels Health Partnership: A Case Study
- Green Bay Healthcare Waste Management
- Guide to Alabama Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Arizona Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Colorado Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Connecticut Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Cytotoxic Waste Compliance
- Guide to Delaware Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Georgia Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Idaho Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Illinois Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Indiana Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Iowa Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Kansas Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Kentucky Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Maryland Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Massachusetts Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Michigan Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Minnesota Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Missouri Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Nevada Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to New Jersey Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to New Mexico Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to New York Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to North Carolina Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to North Dakota Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Ohio Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Pennsylvania Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to South Carolina Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Tennessee Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Texas Medical Waste Disposal and Regulations
- Guide to Vermont Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Virginia Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Washington D.C. Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Washington State Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to West Virginia Medical Waste Regulations
- Guide to Wyoming Medical Waste Regulations
- Healthcare Waste Considerations for Long-Term Care Facilities
- Healthcare Waste Segregation
- Healthcare Waste Service Contingency Planning
- Hospital Waste Management. A Perspective Inside the Four Walls
- Housekeeping Is Your Partner
- How do Hospitals Dispose of Liquid Waste?
- How do Hospitals Dispose of their Healthcare Waste?
- How Healthcare Facilities Can Reduce Risk of Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens
- How Infection Preventionists Help Create Safe Healthcare Environments
- How Proper Hospital Waste Disposal Saves Practices Money
- How Subpart P Impacts RCRA Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste
- How to Adopt Sustainable Waste Management Practices without Breaking the Bank
- How to Choose a Sharps Container
- How to Create a Biomedical Waste Operating Plan: Key Steps
- How To Create a Compliant and Safe Medical Waste Program at Your General Practice
- How to Define and Identify Medical Waste Streams
- How to Dispose of Biomedical Waste in Detroit
- How to Dispose of Chemotherapy Waste
- How to Dispose of Medical Waste in Rochester, New York
- How to Dispose of Sharps Containers: A Step-by-Step Guide
- How to Dispose of Sharps Waste
- How to Dispose of Trace Chemotherapy Waste
- How to Ensure Proper Hospital Waste Disposal Methods
- How To Handle Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste In Hospitals
- How to Handle Medical Waste in Med Spas and Non-Healthcare Settings
- How to Handle Regulated Medical Waste from Mpox Cases
- How To Identify and Manage Expired Products in Your Healthcare Facility
- How to Keep Track of Changing Regulations
- How to Manage Biohazard Waste in San Antonio
- How to Prevent a Needlestick Injury: Everything You Need to Know
- How to Reduce Excess Regulated Medical Waste Caused by COVID-19
- How to Reduce Waste in Hospitals
- How to Reduce your Total Cost of Medical Waste Management
- How To Safely Dispose of Controlled Substances
- How Waste Audits Benefit Healthcare Waste Segregation
- Importance of Infectious Waste Training
- In Memory & Admiration of Christian Kath
- Influencing Factors of Sharps Container Design
- Inside Daniels: Field Service Expertise with Brian Nelson
- Insight into the Disposal Methods for Biohazardous Waste
- Interview: Global Chief People Officer, Jude Duff
- Interview: the Importance of Hazardous Waste Management
- Is Your Facility Prepared for the Next Pandemic?
- Karen Daley: Needlestick Injury Survivor & Safety Advocate
- Keep Pharma Waste out of Waterways
- Know the Do's and Don'ts of Sharps Disposal
- Know Which Bin to Put It In
- Leadership during COVID-19: Gabe Monck
- Let’s Squeak More
- Looking back at Daniels' 2017 hurricane response
- Louisville Healthcare Waste Management Tips
- Market Growth of Medical Waste Containers
- Mary Ogg : Sharps Injuries in the OR
- Match Game: Healthcare Waste Containers
- Medical Waste – What You Should Know
- Medical Waste 101: What Are the Different Types of Medical Waste?
- Medical Waste Audits: Everything You Need to Know
- Medical Waste Considerations for Dentists
- Medical Waste Considerations for Dialysis Centers
- Medical Waste Considerations for Hospitals
- Medical Waste Considerations for Research Labs
- Medical Waste Considerations for Surgical Centers
- Medical Waste Considerations for Vet Clinics
- Medical Waste Disposal in Ambulatory Care Facilities
- Medical Waste DON'Ts
- Meet Our Team: Celebrating Customer Service Week 2019
- Meet Terry Grimmond: A Pioneer in Sharps Injury Prevention
- Navigating Medical Waste Regulations and Industry Oversight
- Needlestick Injury Reduction Strategies in Hospitals
- Negative Effects of Dumping Medical Waste
- New York City Healthcare Waste Management Tips
- Operations Spotlight: Daniels Health Orlando
- OSHA and Biohazard Waste Disposal Guidelines
- Our Version of Google Maps
- Pandemic Reflections. From our CEO
- Patient Room Cleanup: Removing Biohazardous Waste Safely
- Pharmaceutical Disposal: Are You Compliant?
- Pharmaceutical Waste Regulations: Policy and Procedure
- Pharmacies: What to do with your Pharmaceutical Waste
- Preparing for OSHA Onsite Inspections
- Preventing Sharps Container Supply Shortages
- Preventing the Preventable
- Radioactive Waste Management in Hospitals
- Reducing Needlestick Injuries in a Pediatric Setting
- Regulated Medical Waste: 5 Things That Are Surprisingly Not Regulated
- Risks and Consequences of Improper RMW Disposal
- Rx Destroyer: What it is and When to use it
- Safe Disposal of Sharps in Hospitals and Healthcare Settings
- Safe Disposal: Where To Dispose of Sharps Containers
- Safest Height for Wall-Mounted Sharps Containers
- Safety Data Sheets: Why are they important?
- Sharps Container Overfilling? No more!
- Sharps Container Regulations: Your Guide
- Sharps Injuries: What To Do if You’re Stuck
- Sharps Injury Awareness | A brief history
- Sharps Injury Reductions | Journal of Infection Control
- Sharpsmart’s ‘Earth Day’ impact on McGill University
- Spotlighting Global Transformation with Lauren Stabosz
- Spotlighting Project Management with Hannah Blumenfeld
- Steps to Ensure Proper Disposal of Chemotherapy Waste
- Strategies To Optimize Work Efficiency At Your Healthcare Facility
- Strategies to Reverse a Worrying Rise in Needlestick Injuries
- Streamlined Process: How to Obtain a Pharmaceutical Disposal Agreement
- Student Reporting of Needlestick Injuries
- Summary of risks with Regulated Medical Waste
- Supporting Healthcare Partners During COVID-19
- Take Control of Your Hospital Waste Management with Daniels’ Self-Service Model
- Taking a stand against sharps injuries
- Team Spotlight: Mackenzie Organ
- Terry Grimmond: Microbiology and Sharps Injuries
- The Cost of a Needlestick Injury
- The Critical Role Healthcare Waste Management Can Play in Your Sustainability Initiatives
- The Culture of Infection Prevention and Control at a Healthcare Facility
- The Difference Between Disposable and Reusable Sharps Containers
- The Elements Of Hospital Waste Reduction
- The Future of Waste Management in Hospitals: Trends to Watch
- The Impact Of COVID on Regulated Medical Waste Volumes
- The Impact of Field Service Reps in Hospitals
- The Impact of Healthcare Waste Management on Infection Control
- The Importance of Cradle-to-Grave Medical Waste Management
- The Next Chapter for Daniels Health
- The Proven Carbon Footprint Reduction of Switching to Reusables
- The Pyramid Effect in Sharps Containers
- The Role of Healthcare Innovation and Technology in Waste Management
- The Trouble With Medical Waste Roll-Offs
- Tips for biomedical waste disposal in San Diego, California
- Tips to Reduce Your Healthcare Waste
- Top 9 Nursing Home Infection Control Techniques
- Top Hospital Infection Control Techniques
- Treatment of Medical Waste
- USP <800> Standard: the Basics
- What Are Med Spas and What Regulations Apply?
- What Are Sharps? Everything You Need to Know
- What Are the Five Cost Variables in Hospital Waste Management?
- What Are the Real Costs of Patient Interruptions?
- What Does Excellent Waste Management Customer Service Look Like?
- What Goes in a Sharps Container?
- What happens to Medical Waste?
- What Information Must Be Included on a Hazardous Waste Manifest?
- What Is a Biomedical Waste Generator?
- What Is a Medical Waste Incinerator and How Does it Work?
- What Is Biomedical Waste? Key Examples
- What is Considered Pharmaceutical Waste?
- What is Hospital Medical Waste?
- What is Pathological Waste?
- What Is RCRA Hazardous Waste?
- What Is Regulated Medical Waste?
- What is the Difference Between Healthcare Waste Streams?
- What Is the Purpose of Double-Bagging Biohazardous Waste? And Why Should You Avoid It?
- What Sets Sharpsmart Apart From Other Medical Waste Containers?
- Where Does Biohazardous Waste Go?
- Where Does Biohazardous Waste Go? Decoding Medical Waste Streams
- Where to Dispose of Needles and Syringes
- Why Hospital Waste Management is Important
- Why Sustainability Matters
- Why Your Coffee Cup isn’t RMW
- Writing Our Next Chapter at the 2022 North American Summit
- Your Guide to Florida Medical Waste Regulations
Knowledge Center – Research
- C-Diff Transmission Potential with Sharps Containers
- Exposure Injury Reduction Strategies: Results that Protect Lives
- Medismart Safety Cost Volume Impact
- Medismart’s Impact on Safety, Cost & Waste Volumes
- Needle stick Injuries in USA Health Care Facilities
- Reduction in Sharps Injuries, Costs, & CO2 Emissions
- Reusable Sharps Containers – Environmental Safety
- Reusable Sharps Containers Assist in Cutting Carbon
- Reusable Sharps Containers: Impact on Infection Risk
- Safety & Cost – Medical Device Decisions
- Safety Engineered Devices : Use and Activation in Six Western US Hospitals
- Safety Engineered Devices: Use and Activation in Australia
- Safety Engineered Devices: Use and Activation in USA
- Sharpsmart Sharps Container 28% Waste Reduction
- Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Impact on Emissions & Injuries
- Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Sharpsmart: 86% Carbon Emissions Reduction
- Sharpsmart: 90% Decrease in CO2 Emissions
- Sharpsmart: Impact of Engineering on Sharps Injuries
- Sharpsmart: Impact on Life-Cycle Carbon Footprint
- Sharpsmart: Impact on Needlestick Injuries
- Sharpsmart: Size and Location Impact on Sharps Injuries
- The Historical Trends and Improvements in Sharps Injuries
- The Microbiology Behind Reusable Containers in Hospitals
- The Widespread Movement to Reusable Sharps Containers
- Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers
- Waste Reduction After Introducing Reusables
Knowledge Center – Videos
- ‘It’s Not OK’ Event Highlights
- 2023 End of Year Video
- Daniels Health Installation Process
- Daniels Health International Washline
- Daniels Value Proposition
- Daniels’ Bladesafe Multi
- Hands-free RMW Disposal
- Has COVID Increased BBFE Risk to Health Workers?
- Hospital Installation Video
- How Are Reusable Sharps Containers Cleaned?
- How Medismart Compares to Standard Red Bag Waste Disposal
- How to Close a Sharpsmart Medical Waste Container
- How to Differentiate a Sharpsmart Container Versus Access Plus Container
- How to Differentiate Medical Waste Containers
- How to Find the Right Medical Waste Container Size for Your Healthcare Facility
- How to Mount a Sharpsmart Container to the Wall
- How to Open a Sharpsmart Medical Waste Container
- How to Open and Close a Sharps Container
- How to Prevent Needlestick Injuries | 6 Clinical Tips
- How to Protect Yourself from Bloodborne Pathogens After a Needlestick Injury
- How to Safely Dispose of Needles & Sharps with Sharpsmart
- How to Use the Cartsmart
- Impact of Covid on Healthcare Waste Management
- Join Our Pride – Baltimore Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – California Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Florida Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Georgia Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Kentucky Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Michigan Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Minnesota Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – North Carolina Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Pennsylvania Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Racine Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – Texas Business Unit Spotlight
- Join Our Pride – West Palm Beach Business Unit Spotlight
- Life as a Customer Service Representative at Daniels Health
- Life as a Driver at Daniels Health
- Life as a Plant Operator at Daniels Health
- Medical Waste Disposal Simplified with the Accessmart
- Medical Waste Management’s Surprising Role in Infection Control
- Mounting a Sharpsmart Container onto a Cartsmart trolley
- Our Credentials
- Point-of-Use Sharps Disposal
- Reusable Healthcare Waste Containment Systems | Daniels Health
- Safety and Sustainability in Medical Waste Management
- Sharpsmart | Activating Temporary Locks
- Sharpsmart | Activating the Permanent Side Locks
- The Chemosmart Container: Features & Benefits
- The Daniels Chemosmart CT22 | Reusable Chemotherapy Waste Container
- The Daniels Chemosmart System | Using the CT64 and CT22 Together
- The Daniels Sharpsmart | Reusable Sharps Container
- The Daniels Sharpsmart Access Plus | Reusable Sharps Container
- The Daniels Sharpsmart and Sharpsmart Access Plus | Sharps Waste Containment
- The Daniels Surgismart | Designed for the OR Environment
- The Five Cost Variables in Hospital Waste Management
- The Medismart Container: Features & Benefits
- The Pharmasmart | Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste Containment
- The Pharmasmart Container: Features & Benefits
- The Sharpsmart Container: Features & Benefits
- Wall Bracket Installation
- Waste Program Quality
- Why Join Daniels Health?
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Dan Daniels
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Daniel Gleeson
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Jude Duff
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Justin Bagdzius
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Keely Sibbald
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Nathan Terrill
- Why Join Daniels Health? Interview with Nick Lurquin
- Why Join Daniels Health? With Digital Marketing Manager – Evan White
- Why Join Daniels Health? With Executive Vice President David Skinner
- Why Join Daniels Health? With Financial Controller – Kelly Rogowski
- Why Join Daniels Health? With Talent Acquisition Director – Bek Daniels
- Working Within the 4 Walls of Healthcare
Case Studies
- 2 Year, 28 Hospital Before and After Study
- 59% RMW Waste Reduction
- 8 Acute Care Hospitals Study
- 850 Bed Acute Care Facility
- Driving 75% labor reduction in RMW waste management
- Iredell Health
- Medismart Impact on Safety, Cost and Waste Volumes
- Mission Health
- New Hanover Regional Medical Center
- Pharmacy Clean Room
- Rome Memorial Hospital
- Sharps Injury Reduction, a 6 year study
- Sharpsmart: 28% Waste Reduction
- Stanford School of Medicine
- UVA University Hospital
Knowledge Center – FAQs
- A client is under contract but for increased safety, wishes to move to Daniels. Is this supported by OSHA Standard?
- Are Blood Borne Pathogens, including Hepatitis B, a risk with reusable sharps containers?
- Are Daniels container leak proof?
- Are Daniels Sharpsmarts safe for MRI suites?
- Are Daniels Sites secure?
- Are DEA Registrants legally allowed to destroy unused controlled substances on site?
- Are methanol and 1-propanol acceptable ingredients in Hand Sanitizers?
- Are safety engineered devices (SEDs) adequate to prevent sharps injuries?
- Are sharps containers always mounted?
- Are Sharpsmart Containers impenetrable?
- Are the active ingredient in Secure a Drug and Rx Destroyer safe?
- Are there any heavy machinery jobs with Daniels Health?
- Are there any warehouse, driver, or admin jobs open near me?
- Are there biohazard/RMW bins for medical instruments?
- Are there different guidelines for RMW disposal within clinics vs hospitals?
- Are unused, returned and/or expired medicines classified as Pharmaceutical Waste?
- Are your containers made in the USA?
- At what height should I mount my container?
- Can Access Plus lids be left open in Operating Rooms or Labs?
- Can I buy bulk RMW boxes from Daniels?
- Can I dispose of USP 800 waste in a red bag?
- Can I get COVID-19 from carrying waste containers, shifting transporters or entering hospitals?
- Can I mount a sharps container myself?
- Can I pay my bill via Doxo?
- Can I put a sharps containers on the floor?
- Can I put glass in a biohazard bin
- Can I put waste contaminated with COVID-19 into my Daniels’ container?
- Can I reopen a locked Sharpsmart collector?
- Can I use Daniels Chemosmart container without a box?
- Can I use Secure a Drug and Rx Destroyer in a medical setting to dispose of controlled substances to be compliant with the DEA?
- Can I use Sharpsmarts for radioactive sharps?
- Can PPE (gowns or gloves) be re-worn if a compounder leaves the HD compounding area?
- Can reusable RMW bins be used for COVID-19 wastes?
- Can reusable sharps containers be used for COVID-19 vaccine disposal?
- Can reusable sharps containers be used for COVID-19 waste?
- Can RMW/Biohazard waste be thrown in normal trash?
- Can Sharps Injuries be prevented?
- Can we be sure that Sharpsmart sharps containers are completely decontaminated (including prions) and there is no risk of cross infection between hospitals?
- Can you guarantee our sharps disposal costs won’t rise?
- Can you store full medical waste containers and how long can you store them for?
- Can you use a screwdriver when self-installing a container?
- Chemotherapy waste belongs in what color container?
- Could Sharpsmarts/Medismarts reduce HAI risk?
- Do clinic and hospital wastes have different guidelines for disposal?
- Do controlled substance disposal solutions also neutralize RCRA hazardous pharmaceutical waste?
- Do Daniels regulated medical waste bins require secondary packaging?
- Do Daniels Sharpsmart containers comply with the Transport of Dangerous Goods act?
- Do Davinci Surgical arms fit into a Daniels Sharpsmart container?
- Do diapers/human feces belong in a biomedical container?
- Do I need a degree for a job at Daniels Health?
- Do Sharpsmart containers meet PG2 certification standards?
- Do Sharpsmart containers reduce manufacturing volume?
- Do tattoo shops need sharps disposal?
- Do they work with on site staff?
- Do you have to be over 18 to work for Daniels Health?
- Do you have video resources to show me how the sharps containers works?
- Do you service all healthcare facilities?
- Does Daniels do confidential document shredding?
- Does Daniels have a solution for USP 800 waste containment?
- Does Daniels have any remote customer service jobs?
- Does Daniels have its own fleet of trucks?
- Does Daniels have ongoing improvement based upon user-led development?
- Does Daniels Health have a service contingency plan?
- Does Daniels Health have international jobs?
- Does Daniels Health have its own processing sites?
- Does Daniels Health hire for delivery driver roles?
- Does Daniels Health hire for forklift operators?
- Does Daniels Health sell their reusable containers?
- Does Daniels Health service the customers itself?
- Does Daniels Health sponsor Visas for employment in the U.S.?
- Does Daniels offer compliance training and education?
- Does Daniels only service sharps waste or do they service Medical/RMW waste?
- Does Daniels sell biohazard bins?
- Does Daniels use any harmful chemicals in the washing process?
- Does Daniels wash process remove chemotherapy residue from Sharpsmarts?
- Does HIPAA apply to cosmetic procedures?
- Does opening/closing lid of medical device containers pose infection risk in the OR?
- Does the American Disability Act (ADA) prohibit the fitting of Sharpsmarts?
- Does the Daniels Washsmart remove all chemotherapy drug residue?
- Does the use of Sharpsmart sharps containers reduce CO2 emissions?
- Does USP 800 change the categorization of drugs?
- Does Washsmart processing of Sharpsmarts eliminate HAI organisms including C. difficile?
- Don’t pre-assembled containers need considerably more storage space than single-use containers; where will they be stored in our facility?
- Has the Daniels Washsmart system been tested?
- Hazardous v Non Hazardous Pharmaceutical Waste – How to dispose?
- How are Daniels Washsmart systems maintained?
- How are our field service techs equipped to understand layout and protocols of hospitals?
- How can Daniels assure customers of stable and secure service?
- How can I dispose of my single-use sharps containers?
- How can I make a payment?
- How can I obtain sharps bins from Daniels Health?
- How can you be compliant with USP 800?
- How do I access my manifest online?
- How do I categorize which pharmaceuticals are hazardous?
- How do I dispose of COVID-19 Vaccines?
- How do I dispose of COVID-19 waste?
- How do I dispose of PPE under the new USP 800 Standard?
- How do I educate my staff on how to use a Sharpsmart container?
- How do I get a copy of my invoice?
- How do I get a copy of my service calendar?
- How do I get a job with Daniels
- How do I get a waste report?
- How do I get my Filehold username and password?
- How do I know when a sharps container is full?
- How do I know when my next pick up is?
- How do I learn more about a role?
- How do I lock my Sharpsmart container?
- How do I open and lock my sharps container?
- How do I order accessories, like wall brackets or carts, for my sharps container?
- How do I schedule a pick up?
- How do we train our staff?
- How do you guarantee the containers are clean?
- How does Daniels maximize cost efficiencies for its customers?
- How does Daniels minimize risks in transport?
- How does Daniels take a “green approach” in its operations and facilities?
- How does the DEA define “non-retrievable” and what does that requirement mean?
- How does the Medismart impact costs?
- How does the Medismart reduce infection transfer?
- How does the Medismart reduce time and labor?
- How does the Sharpsmart safety tray work?
- How does time reporting work for FST?
- How is bulk chemotherapy waste collected?
- How is chemotherapeutic waste treated?
- How is CPI calculated?
- How is Monkeypox Virus Classified?
- How is Pathological waste treated?
- How is the Daniels Chemotherapy waste solution different to industry standard
- How is the fuel levy calculated?
- How many Safety Data Sheets can I access through the Daniels Compliance portal?
- How much do Sharpsmarts reduce hospital landfill of plastic and cardboard?
- How much driving experience is required Class B Driver positions at Daniels Health?
- How much weight will each anchor hold?
- How often must regulated medical waste be removed from a facility?
- How safe are Sharpsmarts from staff trying to retrieve sharps?
- How safe is the Sharpsmart system from people being able to put their hands in the container and pull out sharps?
- How should Monkeypox Waste be handled?
- I am having issues with Daniels Health employee, who do I escalate this to?
- I don’t know what is going on with my customer set up process, who do I talk to?
- I don’t think my bill is correct..who do I talk to?
- I have an interview with Daniels Health. Where can I learn more about your company?
- I need sharps disposal resources in Spanish/Necesitó mas información sobre la eliminación de residuos corto punzantes
- I saw an open position online for a role at Daniels Health. How do I apply?
- I think my pickup was missed…what do I do?
- I’m a current employee with your company – I have questions about my pay or benefits or need to make changes. Who would I talk to?
- I’m applying for a position at Daniels Health. When will I be contacted?
- I’m looking for a driver position. Do I need any special certifications to drive for Daniels?
- I’m not sure if my resume went through, how can I check?
- Is Daniels a national sharps disposal company?
- Is Daniels able to collect COVID-19 vaccine waste?
- Is Daniels Health contracted with Major GPO Organizations?
- Is lidocaine a hazardous waste?
- Is my reusable container really safe to re-use after COVID-19 contaminated waste has been in it?
- Is pharmaceutical residue an issue with Washsmart waste-water?
- Is recapping needles safe?
- Is the Daniels Sharpsmart container leak-proof?
- Is the Medismart M64 patented?
- Is the S14 2 gallon the smallest sharps container?
- Is the Sharpsmart container patented?
- Is there a disease transmission risk if full and clean Sharpsmarts are transported or stored together?
- Is there a price on the GPO contracts?
- Is there a regulation that mandates crash carts have sharps containers?
- Is USP 800 Mandatory?
- Regulated Medical Waste falls into which DOT Packaging Group?
- Sharpsmarts are not stackable. Do they take up more storage space?
- Should the lids of Sharpsmarts be closed during TB cases in the OR?
- Transporting pre-assembled containers around the country surely can’t be environmentally friendly?
- We found a Daniels sharps container of unknown origin. What do we do?
- What about Clostridium difficile? Is there a risk using reusable sharps containers?
- What about prions? Is there a transmission risk using reusable sharps containers?
- What are field service jobs like?
- What are Hazardous Characteristic wastes?
- What are listed wastes?
- What are RCRA pharmaceuticals?
- What are some compliance requirements for disposal and destruction of controlled substances?
- What are some examples of RMW/Biohazardous waste?
- What are some subtypes of regulated medical waste?
- What are the color codes for different medical waste streams?
- What are the essential learning modules that the Daniels online portal offers?
- What are the features of the Sharpsmart safety tray?
- What are the laws/guidelines regarding Biomedical waste?
- What are the protocols for handling/disposing of medical waste in my state?
- What are the protocols for handling/disposing of RMW?
- What are the sharps containers made of?
- What are U Listed drugs
- What business sizes do you cater for?
- What constitutes Biomedical Waste?
- What Daniels solutions are best suited to surgical suites?
- What Daniels solutions minimize medical waste volumes?
- What do Daniels Health GPO Contracts cover?
- What do I do if our medical waste bin is overfilled?
- What do the different colors mean for your sharps containers?
- What do the type and description fields on my invoice mean?
- What does Daniels provide to help educate my staff?
- What does NIOSH have to do with USP 800?
- What DOT hazard class does RMW fall into?
- What goes into a regulated medical waste container?
- What happens if I can’t complete the self-install?
- What happens if I hit a stud in the wall during installation?
- What happens to RMW/Biohazardous waste after disposal?
- What happens to the containers at the end of their useful life?
- What healthcare facilities is the USP 800 Standard applicable to?
- What is a Biohazard?
- What is a controlled substance?
- What is a GPO?
- What is a Medical Waste Generator?
- What is a needlestick injury?
- What is Bulk Chemotherapy Waste
- What is Chemotherapy Waste?
- What is hazardous waste?
- What is included in the Daniels online compliance portal?
- What is Infectious Waste?
- What is location billing?
- What is Medical Waste Disposal?
- What is Pathological waste?
- What is Regulated Medical Waste?
- What is required in a sharps injury log?
- What is Sharps Waste?
- What is Surgical Waste?
- What is the average cost of a needlestick injury?
- What is the cost of the Sharpsmart system?
- What is the difference between a Sharpsmart regular and Sharpsmart Access Plus container?
- What is the difference between the side locks and the front lock on my sharps container?
- What is the environmental impact of using Sharpsmart containers?
- What is the life-span of Sharpsmart containers?
- What is the most cost-effective way of disposing of USP 800 waste?
- What is the Needlestick Safety and Prevention Act?
- What is the service charge on my invoice?
- What is this overage on my invoice?
- What is Trace Chemotherapy Waste
- What is USP Chapter 800?
- What level of Decontamination is required for processing of Reusable Sharps Containers?
- What makes medical waste dangerous?
- What pharmaceuticals are considered both controlled substances and RCRA Hazardous?
- What regulations is my facility required to be OSHA compliant with?
- What should be done when a sharps container is full?
- What should I do if I get stuck with a needle?
- What steps are Daniels taking towards safety and infection control?
- What training is required for Hazardous waste transporter staff?
- What Treatment Equipment does Daniels have at its sites?
- What waste Class does Hand Sanitizer belong to?
- What waste stream should hand sanitizer be disposed in?
- What waste types can you service?
- What weight of disposable sharps containers does Daniels eliminate each year?
- What’s the difference between biological waste and regular waste?
- When are invoices generated?
- When will USP 800 take effect?
- Where are Daniels’ Processing facilities located?
- Where can I find mobile carts, brackets, and other accessories for my sharps container?
- Where can I find the average salary for a job I’m interested in applying for?
- Where can I get DOT training?
- Where can I learn more about one of Daniels’ business units?
- Where can the Daniels Medismart container be used?
- Where should sharps containers be located?
- Who distributes Sharpsmarts around the hospital and exchanges them when full?
- Who do I contact if I need an emergency pick-up or additional containers?
- Who do I speak to if I would like to make container or frequency changes?
- Who does the new USP 800 standard apply to?
- Who is my account Manager?
- Who owns the Sharpsmart containers and molds?
- Who regulates biomedical waste disposal guidelines?
- Who regulates medical waste disposal?
- Who regulates USP 800?
- Why are Sharpsmart containers not enclosed in a wall cabinet?
- Why can’t medications just be flushed down the drain?
- Why don’t Sharpsmarts have a needle disconnect tool?
- Why is the container recommended to be mounted so low?
- Why shouldn’t you flush or drain unused medications?
- Why was USP 800 created?
- Why wouldn’t I do it all myself?
- Will anything change with Daniels Service Technicians?
- Will Daniels Health continue all services?
- Will Daniels Health provide containers to temporary hospitals?
- Will I be penalized for incorrectly disposing of hazardous waste?
- Will small items (such as butterfly needles) activate the Sharpsmart Tray?
- Will there be a supply chain risk for the provision of products?
- Will you be able to provide more containers to support increased patient volume?
Regions We Service
- Alabama
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- District of Columbia
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- New Hampshire
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- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
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- West Virginia
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- Wyoming
GPO Partners
- Advent Health+Daniels Partnership
- Alliant
- Champs
- Essensa
- Groupsource Purchasing
- Healthcare Procurement Solutions
- HealthTrust
- Innovatix
- Intalere
- Navigator
- Pandion
- Premier
- Provista
- Provista Long Term Care
- Provista Oncology
- Provista Physicians
- Provista Surgical Centers
- Vizient
- Yankee Alliance