Help us improve the Daniels Experience

Help us improve
the Daniels Experience

You chose us, and we are so grateful that you did. As a team, we want to be excellent for our customers. We want to ensure we’re in front of your needs, and when something doesn’t go quite as it should, we want to be on the front foot of fixing it for you. We know that we have some shortcomings, but we also know it is our customers that embody our vision of making healthcare safer, so we are committed to becoming the best that we can be for you! Please join in our conversation and help us grow so that together we can make a stronger impact on healthcare safety.

Submit a Ticket

If you have an urgent request please contact us at 888 741 0717; alternatively if you lodge a ticket with our Customer Excellence Team via the below customer form, one of our team will get back to you within 2 hours during standard business hours.


We celebrate our people.

If you’ve had a great experience with one of our staff, please let us know. We would love to recognize them!

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Help us be better for you!
We believe that every interaction matters, if it’s excellent it drives us to keep raising the bar, and if it’s not then it helps us to respond and grow as an organization that can serve you better! We want to hear about your experience with us – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Your feedback will help us be better humans AND help drive towards our mutually beneficial goal of lifting the safety standards of American healthcare.


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