Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart: Impact on Life-Cycle Carbon Footprint

The article compares the global warming potential (GWP) of 40 acute NHS Trust hospitals converting from single-use plastic containers to reusable sharps containers.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Exposure Injury Reduction Strategies: Results that Protect Lives

This peer-reviewed study interviews clinicians to identify what measures are successful in reducing exposure to body fluid. Preventing the risk of BBP exposure.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Safety Engineered Devices : Use and Activation in Six Western US Hospitals

A study into the activation rate and use of Safety Engineered Devices (SED) in 6 hospitals in US west.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Tonnes of Plastic Reduced with Reusable Sharps Containers

A microbiological study to investigate the volume of plastic that could be reduced through implementation of a reusable sharps container system.

Infection Prevention & Control

C-Diff Transmission Potential with Sharps Containers

A microbiological study to investigate the carriage and transmission potential of Clostridium Difficile spores on single-use and reusable sharps containers.

Infection Prevention & Control

Reusable Sharps Containers: Impact on Infection Risk

This study examined literature and guidelines to determine the microbiological risk of using reusable sharps containers.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart: 86% Carbon Emissions Reduction

This before/after intervention studies UK hospitals to attain information on the differences in CO2 emissions from reusable and disposable sharps systems.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Sharpsmart: Size and Location Impact on Sharps Injuries

This 6-year study examined the impact of converting from a small patient room sharps container to the Daniels Sharpsmart reusable collector.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Needle stick Injuries in USA Health Care Facilities

This study carried out a survey of top ‘sharps safe’ occupational health professionals to ascertain BE incidence in their hospitals for the 2012 calendar year.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Safety Engineered Devices: Use and Activation in USA

The study sampled sharps containers from 5 facilities to identify the proportion of hollow-bore SED among the sharps present, and the proportion of SED correctly activated.

Sharps Injury & Prevention

Safety Engineered Devices: Use and Activation in Australia

The study took a sampling of sharps containers to identify the proportion of hollow-bore SED among the sharps present and the proportion of SED correctly activated.

Sustainability & Carbon Reduction

Sharpsmart Sharps Containers: Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The 2 year study, ‘Impact on Carbon Footprint: An LCA of Disposable vs Reusable Sharps Containers in a large US Hospital’ was conducted in an 850 bed acute care facility to determine the reduction of GHG Emissions from the Sharpsmart collector.