Montana Medical Waste Disposal Services

Daniels Health is the leading expert in compliance, clinical containment and environmentally responsible waste management services. Transparent pricing, customized scheduling, immediate cost reduction.

The Daniels Difference

  • We provide medical waste containers designed by clinicians for clinicians!
  • All containers sanitized through a world-leading robotic washing / decontamination process.
  • It is our drivers and our trucks that will service your facility, no third party hauler risk
  • We areup front with our costs and transparent with our contracts
  • Scheduling that supports your practice – you pay only for what you need
  • Eliminate disposal-related needlestick injuries with our advanced sharps safety systems
  • Eliminate the purchase, disposal costs and landfill of one-time-use disposable containers


  • Regulated Medical Waste Services
  • Biohazardous Sharps Services
  • Pharmaceutical Waste Services
  • Chemotherapy and Hazardous Waste Services
  • Onsite and online compliance and education

Medical and Biohazardous Waste Disposal in Montana

With 30+ years of experience, Daniels Health is the industry leader in Montana for healthcare waste management.

To preserve its incredible natural habitat, Montana has strong regulations when it comes to the handling and disposal of biohazardous and infectious waste, and Daniels Health is one of the few medical waste companies that not only meets, but exceeds these requirements. Our industry-leading healthcare waste containers achieve the highest standards of microbiological efficacy, safety, security and cleanliness in the United States and we pride ourselves on being continually on the front foot of clinical innovation.

  • Daniels’ range of medical waste containers for sharps, expired pharmaceutical disposal, regulated medical waste, sharps, chemo waste, and RCRA hazardous waste are designed to cater for all waste volume requirements and each container is fitted with inbuilt locking mechanisms, safety trays with overfill protection, designed for hands-free access and manufactured with an AB plastic surface designed to expel cross contamination of biohazardous waste disposal.
  • All Daniels containers undergo a robotic deep clean, deodorizing and decontamination process each time they are emptied. The Daniels washing process achieves the highest standards of container washing decontamination in the industry with a 6log bacterial load reduction.
  • We are passionate about medical waste optimization. Daniels designs its medical waste services with our customers in mind: unique container volume requirements, unique locations, unique pickup frequency requirements and unique staff training needs. Healthcare is specialized, and so are we!
  • Our scheduling is designed to suit your needs, ensuring you are only paying for the pickups you need. One of our clinical waste experts will assess your current volume and design a service agreement that minimizes stops and maximizes cost by decreasing medical waste volumes.


Montana Infectious Waste Guidelines

Given the thrill seeking activities abound in Montana, accidents can happen. Due to its small population there are no Trauma 1 centers in the state, so Montana’s healthcare workers, from paramedics to surgeons, are all provided additional training in the event a patient needs to be transported. Healthcare is in fact Montana’s fastest growing industry with nearly one half of the certificates and two-year degrees handed out in Montana in 2013 and 2014 originating from nursing or allied health-related fields. All healthcare facilities produce medical waste and in order to keep Montana’s environment pristine, the disposal of this waste is managed by the DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality). The state of Montana defines medical or potentially infectious medical waste “waste capable of producing infectious disease.” All of these guidelines can be confusing, but lucky with have a guide to help you navigate the waters of compliance healthcare waste management:


Clinical Waste Management Education & Training

Daniels Health offers face-to-face training across ALL shifts for clinical and non-clinical staff. We also provide self-paced eLearning modules, which are customizable and interchangeable.

In addition to the standard requirements, the DEQ also regulates how employees handle waste. All employers of staff handling medical waste are to provide them appropriate training to ensure they carry out their duties safely. Daniels guarantees compliance and best practice on all types of medical waste handling training, including:

  • Sharps safety and infection control strategies
  • Effective waste segregation
  • Management and handling of healthcare waste streams
  • Hand hygiene

Daniels Health has created a blended learning approach to education that accommodates multiple learning styles to empower positive behavioral change. We understand that each member of your team learns differently and no 2 facilities are alike. Our education platforms are versatile and intuitive, not only there to teach but also to inspire conscious and actionable disciplines in your facility’s daily practice. We’re passionate about our ongoing commitment to educating staff within Montana’s healthcare facilities. Working together to ensure we achieve greater safety awareness when it comes to the correct segregation and safe medical waste disposal.

Daniels Health understands the needs of healthcare facilities in Montana. Contact us and see how we can help your facility better manage your medical and biohazardous waste disposal.

855 251 2655 Request a quote

Let’s Talk about Montana

“Oh give me a home where the buffalo roam…” Montana named after the Spanish word for “mountains” isn’t called the “Treasure State” simply because of its rich mining history of copper, zinc, silver and gold. “Big Sky Country” is home to more than 1 million Montanans, and has the largest variety of mammals in America including elk, wolves, moose, deer, bison, trumpeter swans, grizzly bears, antelope and wild buffalo.

The state is home to the largest population of Golden Eagles, provides temporary accommodation for over 10,000 white pelicans migrating from the Gulf of Mexico to Medicine Lake, and has more heads of cattle than people. Adventurists and nature lovers from all over visit Montana with its top destination being Glacier National Park, tucked in the Rocky Mountains. Its 1 million acres of natural wonders make it one of America’s most Instagramed locations. In 1932, it was combined with Waterton National Park in Alberta Canada to form the world’s first International Peace Park and is now a UNESCO World Heritage site.

With more than 700 miles of biking and hiking trails, 760 lakes, 175 mountains and 200 waterfalls, there is something for everyone. Flathead Lake is popular for boating and fishing year-round and Wildhorse Island is only accessible by boat. However, every Memorial Day, thousands flock to the annual Bigfork Whitewater Festival. Weather permitting, jump in the car and take a drive on “Going to the Sun Road,” straight through the heart of the park. South of the state, is Yellowstone National Park, take a detour via Butte, on its outskirts you will find the “Ringing Rocks,” getting their name from the melodic chime they make when tapped. Swing through Bozeman and say hi to “Big Mike” the T-Rex at the Museum of the Rockies – part of the Smithsonian Institute exhibiting dinosaur eggs, skulls and skeletons. Montana shares a small part of the famed Yellowstone National Park, a haven for hiking, fly fishing, rock climbing, ziplining, camping, horse riding and golfing, and is also home to the Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center, a non-for-profit wildlife park that provides refuge to animals unable to survive in the wild.

Montana State Resources & Requirements

  • Montana EPA

    Region 8 1595 Wynkoop Street

    Denver, CO 80202

    800 227 8917

  • Montana Department of Health

    111 N Sanders St,

    Helena, MT 59601

    406 444 5622

  • Waste Classification

    In Montana, an “infectious waste” means waste capable of producing disease. Infectious waste includes but is not limited to:

    • Cultures and stocks of infectious agents and associated biologicals,
    • Human pathological waste, including tissues, organs, and body parts removed during surgery or an autopsy;
    • Free-flowing waste human blood and products of blood, including serum, plasma, and other blood components and items soaked or saturated with blood; and
    • Sharps that have been used in patient care, medical research, or industrial laboratories.
  • Storage Requirements

    Montana state requirements mandate:

    Infectious waste must be separated from ordinary waste at the point of origin and stored until the waste is rendered noninfectious in separate, distinct containers with biohazard warning labels in compliance with the following procedures: (a) Sharps must be contained for storage, transportation, treatment, and subsequent disposal in leakproof, rigid, puncture-resistant containers that must be taped closed or capped securely to prevent loss of contents. (b) Infectious waste other than sharps must be contained in moisture-proof disposable containers or bags of a strength sufficient to prevent ripping, tearing, or bursting under normal conditions of use. The bags must be securely tied to prevent leakage or expulsion of solid or liquid wastes during storage, handling, and transportation.

Let's Talk!

Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.