Industry Leading Sharps Disposal Services
Sharps Disposal Solutions that reduce needlestick injuries and save lives
We have pioneered a new safety standard
From clinics and surgery centers to hospitals, our partnership delivers:
- Safety Engineered Sharps Containers
- Needlestick Injury Reduction
- Reduction of Plastic to landfill
- Reliable Scheduled waste pickups
Sharpsmart. World Leading Sharps Safety Technology
Peer reviewed in four independent studies, clinically proven to reduce needlestick Injuries by up to 87%, and relied on by healthcare facilities around the world, the Sharpsmart system is driven by a single objective – To Save Lives. Designed with 13 safety features, manufactured with needle-impenetrable plastic, a gravity-balanced safety tray for risk-free sharps disposal, and a built-in overfill protection mechanism, the Daniels Sharpsmart is the most advanced sharps container system in the world.
Does your sharps container pass the candy test?
If a piece of candy fell into an open sharps container…Could a child’s hand reach in to get it?
A sharps container with a no-hands access safety tray is CRUCIAL, especially when situated in a patient environment. Daniels patented Sharpsmart tray achieves 100% hand-access restriction, even for tiny inquisitive hands!
The Journey of a Daniels Sharpsmart collector
Ever wondered what happens to a sharps container when it leaves a hospital?
This is just the start of its life cycle… Let us take you on a journey of what happens to a Daniels Sharpsmart container from the moment we drop it off at your hospital dock right through to its robotic emptying and washing process. It’s a fascinating adventure our little containers have – where they’re mounted, how they’re moved, and who interacts with them daily.
Why Reusable Sharps containers are better for the environment
As healthcare facilities across the United States increasingly focus on reducing the environmental impact of their waste streams (and as environmental impact regulations increase), it is vital to understand the difference between disposing of sharps, chemotherapy, and pharmaceutical waste in ‘reusable’ containers, and disposing of them in ‘disposable’ or ‘recyclable’ containers.
Don’t just listen to us, listen to our customers!
Countless stories of organizational change – cost and waste reduction, labor reduction, CO2 emissions reductions, improved safety.
Do you want to know firsthand how other US healthcare facilities increased the performance of their healthcare waste management with Daniels? Read their journeys in our case studies library.
Clinically Engineered containers for all waste streams
With clear labeling, safe operating instructions, and distinct colors to distinguish waste streams, Daniels has become recognized as a leading expert in healthcare waste containment innovation and compliance. Daniels offers clinically engineered products for the safe handling of all healthcare waste streams including RMW, pharmaceutical and expired medications, chemotherapy waste, hazardous and clinical sharps.
Daniels Service “Can’t be Beat”
The program has been extremely successful by reducing our needlestick injuries by 50% and Daniels’ service capability can’t be beat. We are a two-hospital system and have enjoyed our decision and success, and will continue to use Daniels Health.
Paula J Fasick, Director of Materials Management
Upper Chesapeake Health

“Reduces our footprint…”
We take pride in improving our environmental footprint; this is one of the reasons we selected Daniels Health for medical waste removal services. Daniels technology reduces our waste footprint and needlestick injuries. Our working relationship with Daniels has been simple, reliable, and easy for the hospital. I would readily recommend Daniels to other healthcare facilities.
Bill Brandow (EVS Director)
Anniston Regional Medical Center

“Reduced RMW waste by 58%…”
From switching over to the Daniels Sharpsmart system: in a 12-month period, we reduced our RMW (Regulated Medical Waste) by 58%. That in turn saved our organization nearly $13,000.
Steve Egbert, CHESP, General Manager
Sodexo, Crittenton Hospital Medical Center

“Reducing NI by 50%…”
The program has been extremely successful in reducing our needlestick injuries by 50% and their service capability can’t be beat. We are a two-hospital system and have enjoyed our decision and their success and will continue to use them.
Paula J Fasick, Director of Materials Management
Upper Chesapeake Health

“Customer Service Stands Out…”
Daniels’ customer service is what stands out in my mind. If we call for a special request of containers, Daniels is right on the request and taken care of. That does not even mention how great the containers are. I would definitely recommend Daniels.
Ali Obaidallah (EVS Manager)
Jackson Park Hospital

Let’s Talk!
Your time is valuable, and we don’t want to play hard to get. You can either phone us directly on the details listed on our contact page, or feel free to fill out this short form and one of our team members will get back to you as quickly as possible.