Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center

As a clinical partner, we want to empower you to provide a safer environment for your staff, greater waste segregation outcomes for lower environmental impact, and a more efficient workflow. To do this, we have compiled some of our best resources to help you achieve safety in sharps handling and optimized medical waste management within your facility. 

Safety and Sustainability in Medical Waste Management

Learn how we are able to drive safety and sustainability initiatives at your facility...

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The Five Cost Variables in Hospital Waste Management

How can we provide the most cost-effective waste solution in healthcare? Here are the...

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Has COVID Increased BBFE Risk to Health Workers?

Microbiologist Terry Grimmond led a webinar with the Florida Professionals in Infecti...

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Working Within the 4 Walls of Healthcare

Animation video exploring Daniels' four walls approach to hospital waste management

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The Daniels Sharpsmart | Reusable Sharps Container

Overview of our solution that radicalized sharps waste management.

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Reusable Healthcare Waste Containment Systems | Daniels Health

We have innovative solutions for all healthcare waste streams.

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The Daniels Chemosmart CT22 | Reusable Chemotherapy Waste Container

Hands free and point-of-use disposal for trace chemotherapy waste.

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The Daniels Sharpsmart Access Plus | Reusable Sharps Container

A demonstration of the Sharpsmart Access Plus.

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