Non-Sharp Metal Items in RMW Containers

This poster helps educate staff members on what non-sharp metal items should be disposed of in an RMW container and NEVER in a sharps container. 

Non-Sharp Metal Items Disposal

Non-Sharp Metal Items Disposal

Non-Sharp Metal Items Disposal

Download this helpful resource to remind your facility that metal items should never be disposed of in a sharps container. Incorrectly disposing of metal items has a significant cost and environmental impact. 

Are you disposing a heavy metal?

Are you disposing a heavy metal?

Disposing of Heavy Metals in Hospitals

Download this helpful poster to educate staff on how to properly dispose heavy metals to ensure downstream risks are minimized in the handling and treatment of the waste. Helpful hint # 1 : They do not belong in sharps containers! 

7 Steps Not to Skip When Setting Up a Compliant Medical Waste Program At Your Dental Facility

7 Steps Not to Skip When Setting Up a Compliant Medical Waste Program At Your Dental Facility

Strategies To Optimize Work Efficiency At Your Healthcare Facility

Strategies To Optimize Work Efficiency At Your Healthcare Facility

Back to Basics: Medical Waste Disposal Best Practices

Back to Basics: Medical Waste Disposal Best Practices

Common Mistakes When Disposing of Pharmaceutical Waste

Common Mistakes When Disposing of Pharmaceutical Waste

Sharps Injuries: What To Do if You’re Stuck

Sharps Injuries: What To Do if You’re Stuck

Needlestick injuries are no joke. A needlestick injury can increase the risk of exposure to a variety of dangerous and highly infectious pathogens, so it’s important to know what to do if you’re stuck.