Knowledge Center

Knowledge Center

As a clinical partner, we want to empower you to provide a safer environment for your staff, greater waste segregation outcomes for lower environmental impact, and a more efficient workflow. To do this, we have compiled some of our best resources to help you achieve safety in sharps handling and optimized medical waste management within your facility. 

Guide to Alabama Medical Waste Regulations

Biohazardous Waste regulations guidelines for Alabama.

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Consequences of Improperly Disposed Pharmaceuticals

There are many consequences of misuse and improper disposal of pharmaceutical waste....

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Regulated Medical Waste: 5 Things That Are Surprisingly Not Regulated

What are some of the top items that aren't RMW but often get disposed of as such?

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Guide to Colorado Medical Waste Regulations

Clinician in Colorado? Learn some basic regulations for healthcare waste management i...

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Mary Ogg : Sharps Injuries in the OR

Mary Ogg provides insight into how sharps injuries occur in the OR and how to reduce...

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Medical Waste Considerations for Surgical Centers

What standards apply to surgical centers when it comes to healthcare waste?

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The Importance of Cradle-to-Grave Medical Waste Management

You are responsible for your healthcare waste management from it's creation to it's f...

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Guide to Tennessee Medical Waste Regulations

Do you work in healthcare in Tennessee? Then this information is for you.

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